
Avvocato specializzato in Separazione Divorzio Moncalieri

Lo studio legale Toninato a Moncalieri (TO) è specializzato diritto di famiglia e in controversie familiari come separazioni consensuali e giudiziali, divorzi congiunti e contenziosi, modifica delle condizioni di separazione, problematiche inerenti alle famiglie di fatto.

Nel caso in cui una coppia di genitori decide di separarsi, o anche un solo membro lo decide unilateralmente, possono nascere dispute sulle modalità con cui i due genitori separati continueranno a occuparsi della prole. Nelle famiglie di fatto, non ratificate con atto di matrimonio, è competente il tribunale per i minorenni che regolamenta l'affido dei minori. Le famiglie ratificate con atto di matrimonio, civile e religioso concordatario, sono competenza del  tribunale ordinario per gli atti relativi alla separazione e il conseguente divorzio dei coniugi.

L’ avvocato Tuninato vi chiarirà tutti gli aspetti legali relativi al vostro caso.

AVVOCATO STEFANIA TONINATO Avvocato specializzato in separazioni e divorzi

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Read 998887 times Last modified on Giovedì, 24 Gennaio 2019 12:47


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  • Derek posted by Derek Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:09

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  • Darrick posted by Darrick Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:09

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  • Elvin posted by Elvin Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:09

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    Yahoo said it earned $297 million in net income in the third quarter, or 28 cents a share, compared to $3.16 billion or $2.64 a share in the third quarter of 2012, when Yahoo's results included a $2.8 billion gain from the sale of a portion of its stake in Alibaba Group. xxx Polly Toynbee repeats Professor Jones’ mistaken attack in her column today. Further, she writes "Wealth is considerably more heritable than genes." This adds a further layer of confusion to the whole subject by using "heritable" in a completely different sense - indeed, it is hard to know what the phrase "more heritable than genes" could possibly mean. Her column is a good example of why most media commentary on "social mobility" is, as I wrote in my essay, at best confused.

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  • Abigail posted by Abigail Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 18:53

    What university do you go to? beeg Holloway, who played offensive tackle for the Patriots and Raiders in the 1980s, gained national attention by reposting party pictures the teens had put on social media websites. He said he posted them on the website in an effort to get the teens to come forward, take responsibility for their actions and change their behavior. xxx The full extent of the weapons shipment has not yet been fully uncovered, the Associated Press reports. Panamanian authorities say searching the ship may take as much as a week, after only examining one of five containers on board. xhamster "I think their hearts are in the right place, but protecting manmade artifacts on the moon needs a broader, international solution to really be effective," says Andrew Rush, a space lawyer who regularly works with emerging aerospace companies. xhamster The flare-up of political tensions is reinforcing investordoubts about Italy's ability to pursue fiscal reforms, afterLetta's government was forced by the centre-right party to climbdown on a property tax last month. xvideos Union head Michael Weiner said last week that arbitration hearings for players contesting suspensions likely would not start until September, which would delay any penalty until next season. But he also indicated the union would urge players to make a deal and get a suspension over with if there was strong evidence of guilt.

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  • Paige posted by Paige Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 18:53

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    For example, officials have confirmed that the threshold below which takeovers are waved through under the Investment Canada Act will be raised for European companies to $1.5-billion (it will be raised to $1-billion for everyone else). xhamster When the clock struck 1:14 a.m. Saturday morning, it marked one week to the minute that a locomotive and 72 tankers carrying shale oil began slammed into downtown Lac-Megantic after rolling down a slope and gathering speed. The crash and ensuing explosions destroyed homes, businesses, and the Musi-Cafe bar that was filled with people. sex videos
    If you changed your registration after Oct. 22 because of the Monitor's transition to a new editorial production system, please revert to using your original email and password. If you didn't change your registration during this period then you don't have to do anything. xhamster Mike Padgham, chairman of the United Kingdom Homecare Association, the trade body, said: “Too often, cash-strapped councils dictate prices based on what they can afford to pay, rather than what the service costs to deliver safely and effectively.” sex videos
    The document says that foiled plots by Abdulkadir included plans to target Kenya's parliament building and the United Nations office in Nairobi, as well as an Ethiopian restaurant patronized by Somali government officials.

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