
Avvocato specializzato in Separazione Divorzio Moncalieri

Lo studio legale Toninato a Moncalieri (TO) è specializzato diritto di famiglia e in controversie familiari come separazioni consensuali e giudiziali, divorzi congiunti e contenziosi, modifica delle condizioni di separazione, problematiche inerenti alle famiglie di fatto.

Nel caso in cui una coppia di genitori decide di separarsi, o anche un solo membro lo decide unilateralmente, possono nascere dispute sulle modalità con cui i due genitori separati continueranno a occuparsi della prole. Nelle famiglie di fatto, non ratificate con atto di matrimonio, è competente il tribunale per i minorenni che regolamenta l'affido dei minori. Le famiglie ratificate con atto di matrimonio, civile e religioso concordatario, sono competenza del  tribunale ordinario per gli atti relativi alla separazione e il conseguente divorzio dei coniugi.

L’ avvocato Tuninato vi chiarirà tutti gli aspetti legali relativi al vostro caso.

AVVOCATO STEFANIA TONINATO Avvocato specializzato in separazioni e divorzi

Via Cavour, 38 - 10024 Moncalieri, TO

Tel.   011 6474514

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Read 998817 times Last modified on Giovedì, 24 Gennaio 2019 12:47


  • Titus posted by Titus Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 16:04

    I'm a housewife xhamster The sensor in the iPhone 5S remains at 8 megapixels, which is a bold choice given that competitors like Nokia are shooting for the moon as far as pixel count is concerned. But, as with many things, the sheer number of pixels is not as important as the quality of those pixels, and that’s what Apple has focused on here. xnxx The price was better than analysts' valuations on Rio'sNorthparkes stake at around $400 million, excluding potentialnew resources. But analysts had said the company would look forbetween $750 million and $1 billion. xxx The standoff comes a few weeks ahead of the next politicalbattle to raise the federal government's borrowing limit.Failure to do this could result in a worst-case scenario of anhistoric U.S. debt default. xhamster Pascal Saint-Amans, director the OECD's Center for Tax Policy, declined to prioritize the different measures the OECD should take, saying it was important to address all the tax avoidance tactics identified in last week's report. But he added "PE issues are clearly important and this is why we have a couple of actions dedicated to this." beeg On baseball telecasts, almost on a nightly basis, we see replays and hear broadcasters say “That’s not a definitive angle,” or “It’s hard to tell from that angle.” Of course, viewers want to believe the best camera angle was not available to air.

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  • Katherine posted by Katherine Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 16:04

    I'm sorry, she's xnxx The debate has become a major industry-wide issue as later generations of aircraft put ever greater emphasis on automatic systems and risk-averse airlines encourage their pilots to maintain their manual skills in the simulator rather than in flight. xxx There’s nothing wrong with being an other-worldly churchman, but for many people in Britain the brutal question of money is becoming impossible to ignore, particularly if you have run clean out of it. Yet only someone who is truly confident around cash flows and interest rates would dare to pledge, as the Archbishop did last week, that the Church of England will back a chain of non-profit credit unions that would one day “compete” payday lenders such as Wonga out of business. beeg He is still only 3-2. The Steelers could light up Geno on Sunday. Rex has still reminded us so far, without the guarantees or the “Hard Knocks” schtick, why he lit things up the way he did when he first hit town. xhamster The debate on Syria has put congressional leaders like Reid in the difficult spot of making the case to their rank-and-file, while still allowing senators to vote their conscience on an issue as monumental as an entanglement in Syria. As of Monday, the battle for votes was not going in leadership's favor. beeg Four of the nine buildings earmarked for the centres have lain empty ever since and the cross-party committee warned that the prospects of finding tenants for the specially designed facilities "do not look good".

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  • Demetrius posted by Demetrius Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 16:04

    What part of do you come from? xnxx It was clearer than ever Thursday morning why Rangers general manager Glen Sather hired Vigneault to replace Tortorella. The Canucks players freely discussed their respect for their former coach and his time with them, an attitude directly related to one of his greatest successes in Vancouver: cultivating a locker room that eventually ran itself. xxx The woman, who has been identified as Marie Smothers, has been described in multiple reports as the boy's "current caregiver," though her relationship to him remains unclear. The woman's age is also unclear, though several reports indicated she was between the ages of 87 and 90. sex videos
    When visitors reach the ground level, they’re in the front yard of the house looking at the entrance to the 40-foot-by-46-foot room. To the left are the dance floor and the stage. The décor still greatly reflects the original owners’ tastes, from the indoor fountains and waterfalls to the abundance of pink in the kitchen and bathroom. xnxx Among the flesh-and-blood cast, Wilson is too dry, though Farmiga gets her ooky on just by making her mouth into a V-shaped smile. But her fragile spaciness is a buzzkill. Then there’s poor Taylor, forced to writhe and scream and vomit as possession pops in. If “The Conjuring” were less of a con job, horror fans would not feel equally as trapped. beeg Financial markets have grown increasingly nervous about China's economic health despite reassurances from Beijing that the world's second-biggest economy is on track to meet its 7.5 percent growth target this year.

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  • Ariana posted by Ariana Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 16:04

    Looking for work beeg For the official opening party McLaren sent some of its greatest cars from Woking to Utrecht to celebrate in a big way! Our photographer got the chance to visit the dealership during the preparations and took some photos. xvideos Three U.S. military contractors held by the FARC for more than six years were rescued in 2008, along with former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt and a group of Colombian soldiers and police. sex videos
    The Swedish National Food Agency (SFNA), meanwhile, has found extremely high levels of arsenic in products going by a variety of names, including Niu-Huang Chieh-tu-pein, Divya Kaishore Guggul, and Chandraprabha Vati. These are used for the treatment of mumps, sore throat, tonsillitis, toothache, skin infections, anorexia, and fever in young children. sex videos
    The experiment follows research started in the 1980s when glow-in-the-dark mice were created, and hopefully this breakthrough will help scientists create cheaper medicine for genetic disorders such as hemophilia. boobs The Dreamliner's two batteries are in electricalcompartments located low down and near the front and middle ofthe plane. Damage to the Ethiopian plane appears to be on top ofthe fuselage, close to the tail, according to video from thescene on Friday.

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  • Evelyn posted by Evelyn Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 16:04

    Gloomy tales beeg This comes from our ad serving technology and is used to track how many times you have seen a particular ad on our sites, so that you don't just see one advert but an even spread. This information is not used by us for any other type of audience recording or monitoring. porn Mr Steinbrück's party rose to 25 per cent in the poll while their allies the Greens are on 11 per cent. The Greens' poll numbers have been sliding since the Veggie Day row, when the tabloid Bild seized on an overlooked item in their manifesto – a proposal for a weekly vegetarian day in public canteens – under the headline: "The Greens want to ban us from eating meat." The Christian Democrats and their sister party the Christian Social Union were on 40 per cent in the poll, while their current coalition allies the Free Democrats are on 5 per cent. The Euro-sceptic Alternative für Deutschland were on 3 per cent. xnxx "I am very grateful to all the people who supported us, all the people who went to (protest in Moscow's) Manezh Square and other squares," the 37-year-old said, rushing across the court to hug his wife after he was let out of a glass courtroom cage. boobs As the death toll in Egypt worsened, the Market VectorsEgypt Index ETF fell 3.3 percent to $44.61. Thecountry's interim vice president resigned and a state ofemergency was imposed following political clashes in thecountry. xhamster His voice seemed to crack as he explained how he had let his teammates and coaches down in the heartbreaking 27-21 loss to the Bears. There were no tears, but the six straight losses and 15 interceptions to open the season have clearly gotten to him. He seems to go out of his way not to let anybody see how the game affects him emotionally, but his failures this season have become a huge burden to carry around and he was hiding his feelings no more.

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  • Duncan posted by Duncan Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 16:04

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    Last week, Lee Young-hee, executive vice president of Samsung mobile, revealed in an interview with The Korea Times that the Galaxy Note 3 phone-cum-tablet would be announced, along with the Galaxy Gear smartwatch, at the IFA consumer electronics fair in Berlin on 4 September. xvideos Twitter has handed French prosecutors information enabling the identification of some of those responsible for posts last year apparently contravening French laws on hate speech, according to the Union of French Jewish Students (UEJF), which had filed suits against the company to compel it to release the data. xvideos One of the points they want reviewed, according to a copy of the letter seen by Reuters, was "how Mr. Alexis' background investigations addressed his pattern of misconduct, including his reported arrests on charges relating to firearms in 2004 and 2010" and a prior disorderly conduct charge. sex videos
    "Never seen anything like this where they create an injury for the quarterback who needs to be injured at the time and bring someone else in to give them a shot, but the circus has rolled into town," Morris said.

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  • Bob posted by Bob Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 16:04

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    Two-year Turkish local debt yields were up morethan 100 basis points at one time, smashing through the key 9percent barrier to their highest level in over a year. Turkey'shard currency debt spread widened 11 basis points on JP Morgan'sEMBI Global index, to 272 over U.S. Treasuries.

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  • Lowell posted by Lowell Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 13:13

    Another year boobs Judge Debra Nelson rejected the prosecution's request to include other charges for the jury to consider that included aggravated assault and felony murder in which the underlying felony would be child abuse for shooting Martin, who was 17. sex videos
    "It may be coming from al Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula," he explained, saying counterterrorism officials are most worried about that particular group because they have strategic ties to the al Qaeda core, and they have the expertise of a master bomb maker. beeg Chatham's House's Vines says signs of nepotism fuel anotheraspect of opaqueness - the president's succession. Dos Santos,70, last year secured a new five-year term, but has long kepteveryone guessing about his plans. sex videos
    The most recent "Flash Freeze" at the Nasdaq follows widespread criticism of how that exchange handled the Facebook initial public offering in May 2012. Two years earlier, a "Flash Crash" on the NYSE caused the Dow Jones industrial average to plummet 1,000 points in a matter of minutes before officials were able to get systems working properly again. beeg "However, we believe the resumption of weak economic resultslimits the government's ability to implement additional revenueenhancements, while expenditures reductions may be constrainedby the current administration's goal not to conduct layoffs,"the note said.

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  • Ariel posted by Ariel Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 13:13

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  • Lemuel posted by Lemuel Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 13:13

    What part of do you come from? porn The 59-year-old had been briefly detained in Panama in July due to an international arrest warrant issued after his sentencing. However, he was released before Italy - which has not yet formally started extradition proceedings - could process a request. xxx What exactly is the administration’s policy here? If thegoal is to roll back the Hezbollah and Iranian forces that havehelped turn the tide in favor of President Bashar al-Assad inSyria’s civil war, then such a small-scale move won’t make thedifference. Nor will it stop the bloodshed, enable humanitarianaid to reach civilians, force the two sides to negotiate, orremove Assad -- all of which are the U.S.’s stated goals. xvideos For those looking to sign up to a monthly contract with a 4G handset included the options get a bit more confusing. O2's Airtime Plans on O2 Refresh - the tariff designed to allow customers to upgrade their handsets during 24-month contracts - start at £22 a month for 1GB of data and go up to £37 a month for 8GB of data. The monthly device payment will range from £10 to £25, depending on which handset punters choose. xnxx After almost six hours of detailed policy discussions theGreens concluded they simply did not have enough in common withMerkel's conservative bloc in areas such as energy, climatetargets and taxation, to make further discussions fruitful. sex videos
    "The popular support is unprecedented so this is the basis for the victory of the opposition, for the democratic opposition," Mr Rainsy said during a political rally after his return in July.

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