
Avvocato specializzato in Separazione Divorzio Moncalieri

Lo studio legale Toninato a Moncalieri (TO) è specializzato diritto di famiglia e in controversie familiari come separazioni consensuali e giudiziali, divorzi congiunti e contenziosi, modifica delle condizioni di separazione, problematiche inerenti alle famiglie di fatto.

Nel caso in cui una coppia di genitori decide di separarsi, o anche un solo membro lo decide unilateralmente, possono nascere dispute sulle modalità con cui i due genitori separati continueranno a occuparsi della prole. Nelle famiglie di fatto, non ratificate con atto di matrimonio, è competente il tribunale per i minorenni che regolamenta l'affido dei minori. Le famiglie ratificate con atto di matrimonio, civile e religioso concordatario, sono competenza del  tribunale ordinario per gli atti relativi alla separazione e il conseguente divorzio dei coniugi.

L’ avvocato Tuninato vi chiarirà tutti gli aspetti legali relativi al vostro caso.

AVVOCATO STEFANIA TONINATO Avvocato specializzato in separazioni e divorzi

Via Cavour, 38 - 10024 Moncalieri, TO

Tel.   011 6474514

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Read 998883 times Last modified on Giovedì, 24 Gennaio 2019 12:47


  • Edwardo posted by Edwardo Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:56

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  • Cesar posted by Cesar Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:56

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    The German Chancellor grew up in East Germany, where food was short and people often had to queue for food. She says the habit of hoarding food is still ingrained in her persona. Merkel loves to cook for herself, and her favourite foods stem from her roots – she loves letcho, a Hungarian vegetable stew, shashlik, a spicy kebab, as well as potato soup, trout and plum cake. xnxx "The mainland people are looking for entertainment andtravel options that are reasonably easy. They strongly desirenew and interesting places to go and if Chimelong can deliver onthat it will be massively successful," he added. boobs A Public Health England representative said it "uses data on weekly all-cause death registrations in England and Wales provided by the Office for National Statistics to establish a baseline of the expected number of deaths registered in each week".

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  • Damien posted by Damien Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:56

    Which year are you in? xhamster European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso has said he is profoundly shocked by the Lampedusa tragedy. Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta has announced a state funeral for the victims of the boat disaster. The people, mainly migrants and refugees, were trying to cross the Mediterranean from Africa in search of a new life in Europe. beeg However, Mrs Miller, calling for teachers to intervene for the first time, said they would want to “ensure the children in their care understand the importance of not accessing material like that when they are underage, and also the pernicious effect of pornography in their lives long-term". beeg But as the social network has approached a saturation pointamong white-collar workers in the United States, the CEO haspursued growth by turning LinkedIn into a popular mobile app andhighly trafficked website rather than a mere resume repository. sex videos
    "What we wanted to hear from President Xi Jinping waswhether China has the goodwill to resolve the South China Seaissue ... But he didn't address the issue at all, so I'mdisappointed," legislator Tantowi Yahya told Reuters. porn "Thus far, investors have felt assured that they arewatching the re-run of an old cliffhanger movie, but the risingfrequency of the replay has instilled a sense of deja vu," saidAndrew Wilkinson, chief economic strategist at Miller Tabak & Coin New York.

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  • Anderson posted by Anderson Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:56

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    “What’s frustrating about most food content is that the food is so fetishized and the dish becomes so abstracted from life,” Moretti said in a recent interview at the company’s Williamsburg office. “That’s why the sets look so stupid and it’s all just fake.” xhamster Anglo, the smallest of the major diversified miners, hastrailed behind its peers for much of the past decade, mostrecently battling labour unrest in South Africa, where it stillgenerates half its earnings, and multi-billion dollar costoverruns in Brazil.

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  • Avery posted by Avery Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:56

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    In a note Friday, Whyman said Microsoft's focus on integrated experiences likely will lead it to make more of its own hardware, rather than relying on third-party companies. It already makes the Xbox game console and Surface tablet-notebook computers. Next up could be its own smartphone, he said. xvideos "It was an older locomotive, so that may be part of it,"Pilon said. He said the locomotive was a GE C30-7. That modelwas built by a division of General Electric Co, accordingto several websites. General Electric was not immediatelyavailable to comment. xhamster This was how a small SEAL team on the front lines of U.S. counter-terrorism paid tribute to one American lost on 9/11 and another American killed in action eight years ago today during an ill-fated attempt to rescue an ambushed team of fellow SEALs in Operation Red Wings. xnxx But the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991 triggered a deeprecession in Finland, prompting its leaders to turn westward andseek greater integration with Europe by joining the EU and theeuro in a switch that economists say helped Finland become oneof the world's richest economies per capita. xhamster “I think it was evidence of the 10 days off,” Terry Collins said. “As we saw going into his last start he does nothing but throw strikes. He was kind of off with his command with stuff. . . . but when he needed to make pitches he made pitches.”

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  • Ronald posted by Ronald Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:56

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    These fake "likes" are sold in batches of 1,000 on Internethacker forums, where cyber criminals also flog credit cardnumbers and other information stolen from PCs. According to RSA,1,000 Instagram "followers" can be bought for $15 and 1,000Instagram "likes" go for $30, whereas 1,000 credit card numberscost as little as $6.

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  • Elvin posted by Elvin Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:56

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    First, the data on parental spending on education. There is a lively debate among politicians and professors about whether the economy is becoming more polarized and about the importance of education. Dismissing the value of a college education is one of the more popular clever-sounding contrarian ideas of the moment. And there are still a few die-hards who play down the social significance of rising income inequality. beeg GM also promises better fuel economy, although exact fuel economy estimates are not yet available. The SUVs will be available with an improved 5.3-liter V8 engine which will include high-tech features like cylinder deactivation in which half the engine's cylinders are shut off when full power isn't needed. The engine will also have direct fuel injection and continuously variable valve timing. The SUVs will also be equipped with a new six-speed transmission. xhamster The shockwave through the nuclear industry has not subsided and Fukushima plant owner Tepco is still struggling to contain the consequences. Last month the firm said new spots of high radiation had been found near storage tanks holding highly contaminated water, raising fear of fresh leaks. sex videos
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  • Teddy posted by Teddy Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:56

    History porn "I am surprised that the court sidestepped the most important issues: that you cannot conspire to commit reckless murder and that the government did not establish jurisdiction" over the missile count, Dayan said in a phone interview. beeg Monte dei Paschi's shares gained 1.8 percent to 0.24 euros by 6.30 a.m. ET, with traders citing news of the talks to sell the stake and also a report in La Repubblica daily saying two Middle eastern funds could be interested in buying an 8 percent stake from the foundation. beeg Sheer inserts are a major story for autumn/winter '13, whether lace, mesh or just flimsy fabric, you've got to flash a little flesh this season. The trick as always, is to limit the sheer sections to strategic areas so that not too much skin is on show and you remain demure. This is not an excuse to channel your inner Jodie Marsh. porn SHANGHAI/BEIJING, July 29 (Reuters) - Foreign carmakers arereaping exorbitant profits selling imported luxury cars in Chinaand should face an anti-trust investigation, the official XinhuaNews Agency said, in what may amount to a shot across the bow offoreign auto firms. sex videos
    With 40,493 in Pittsburgh hoping to wrap up the Pirates’ first playoff series win in 34 years, since their 1979 win over the Orioles in the World Series, Wacha, in just his 16th big-league game, did not allow a hit until Pedro Alvarez took him deep with one out in the eighth.

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  • Arron posted by Arron Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:09

    An accountancy practice porn An empty October is supposed to be grounds for capital punishment around this franchise, after all, and yet even George Steinbrenner might have found saving grace in watching the emotional events of the last few days unfold. xvideos Fire department spokesman Lt. Col. Frederic Grosjean said the blaze Wednesday afternoon engulfed a four-story temporary construction building involved with repairs on the historic Hotel Bourbon de Conde. About 100 firefighters were deployed. He said the fire began on a motorcycle nearby. xhamster To clean a juicer means disassembling it, so its many parts can be washed separately. Ain’t no robot gonna do that! Human beings are needed on-site to do the cleaning, not to mention prepping the produce for the actual juicing. And human beings have this odd habit of wanting to get paid for their labor. Since Melvin’s requires newly hired juicers to go through five days of training before they even hit the floor, and then only to assist for possibly months before they make a juice solo, that’s a major investment, even if Melvin’s only pays minimum wage ($7.25/hour in New York). porn The News endorses Quinn because she combines the clearest understanding of the difficulties facing the city with the most extensive record of getting things done. Her proposals for the working and middle classes could actually come to fruition, as opposed to the many pie-in-the-sky pronouncements of her competitors. beeg The same is not true outside the Beltway. The Republicans hold a majority of governorships, of state legislative chambers, and are a force to be reckoned with in contests for statewide and local office from the East Coast to the West Coast and from the North to the South. This is not to suggest they are winning everything – or even most things – as much as it suggests that the potential to create a powerful, national political force exists when everyone does their homework and all the oars are being pulled in the same direction at the same time.

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  • Gianna posted by Gianna Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 19:09

    I'll send you a text beeg iOS 7 lets you automatically download new app updates whenever they’re ready without visiting the App Store to do it yourself. It’s a smart function, but the last thing you want to do is run app updates when your battery is down to fumes. To disable this, visit Settings > iTunes and Apple Store and uncheck the Updates option. xhamster Bond funds worldwide had outflows of $1.1 billion, the eighth straight week of outflows from the funds. The outflows came even as selling pressure on bonds tempered over the week on expectations that the Fed would largely keep its bond-buying program in place. xxx Achillion is among a number of drugmakers developing a new class of drugs to treat the liver-hampering virus by using a drug regimen that does not include the conventional hepatitis C drug constituent, interferon, which causes flu-like symptoms. xvideos The Moroccan people’s love for their king is deep. But last week, their love collided with fear. They worried about the safety of their children, and they trembled for the reputation of their country as a haven for sexual deviants and pedophiles. xhamster The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) is made up of countries with an interest in the Southern Ocean, and includes Australia, the US, the UK, China and Russia among its members. Any decisions taken require consensus among all parties.

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