
Avvocato specializzato in Separazione Divorzio Moncalieri

Lo studio legale Toninato a Moncalieri (TO) è specializzato diritto di famiglia e in controversie familiari come separazioni consensuali e giudiziali, divorzi congiunti e contenziosi, modifica delle condizioni di separazione, problematiche inerenti alle famiglie di fatto.

Nel caso in cui una coppia di genitori decide di separarsi, o anche un solo membro lo decide unilateralmente, possono nascere dispute sulle modalità con cui i due genitori separati continueranno a occuparsi della prole. Nelle famiglie di fatto, non ratificate con atto di matrimonio, è competente il tribunale per i minorenni che regolamenta l'affido dei minori. Le famiglie ratificate con atto di matrimonio, civile e religioso concordatario, sono competenza del  tribunale ordinario per gli atti relativi alla separazione e il conseguente divorzio dei coniugi.

L’ avvocato Tuninato vi chiarirà tutti gli aspetti legali relativi al vostro caso.

AVVOCATO STEFANIA TONINATO Avvocato specializzato in separazioni e divorzi

Via Cavour, 38 - 10024 Moncalieri, TO

Tel.   011 6474514

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Read 998957 times Last modified on Giovedì, 24 Gennaio 2019 12:47


  • Richard posted by Richard Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:12

    good material thanks beeg However, some - such as Amit Sinha, a partner at Bain &Company - would like to see the government take a back seatrather than act as a go-between in supplying coal. He comparedthe prospect of more state involvement to India's notoriouslyinefficient system of storing and handing out subsidised food. xvideos "    Seventy-five percent of all Americans are dissatisfied with the way the political system is working. More, 87 percent, call the shutdown a sign of broader problems in the political process, including 42 percent overall who say these problems amount to a crisis. xnxx "At current valuations, we favor being underweight euro zone credit in our generalist portfolios, emphasizing the U.S. and other global credit alternatives," Andrew Balls, managing director and head of European portfolio management for Pimco, wrote in a report posted Thursday on the firm's website. beeg I realise the irony of me, as a non-parent, talking about this. You may say it gives me no right to comment. But I can speak as someone whose parents gave her a teeny-weeny bit of alcohol on the odd family special occasion, from when I was around 14, and the good that this has done me. sex videos
    "While we thoroughly welcome the establishment of the HSE National Programme for Eye Care we believe that a national vision strategy needs to be developed to complement the programme. It is only when both of these initiatives are properly implemented that we will have a truly coordinated eye health infrastructure focused on prevention and early intervention," commented Des Kenny, CEO of the NCBI and joint chairperson of the coalition.

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  • Franklin posted by Franklin Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:12

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  • Franklyn posted by Franklyn Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:12

    How much notice do you have to give? beeg Washington's debt ceiling drama played out as anxious globalfinancial leaders gathered in the U.S. capital for annualmeetings of the International Monetary Fund and Group of 20major industrialized and emerging economies. sex videos
    The spectacular Franz Josef Glacier is definitely on New Zealand’s Top 10 list and is made all the more memorable with a stay at the sublime Te Waonui Forest Retreat, which nestles in the rainforest close to the glacier. xhamster But they also enjoy close ties with al Qaeda and other jihadist groups who have, in turn, deployed their own fighters to Pakistan's volatile tribal region on the Afghan border known as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, or FATA. xhamster "At the moment you don't have an agreement to resume negotiations," said Aaron David Miller, vice president of the Middle East Program at the Wilson Center and a former peace negotiator for Democratic and Republican administrations. Israeli and Palestinian teams came to Washington "to talk about how to resume negotiations." xvideos While Intel has been testing the product for months, it still faces some hurdles. One of those is reaching content deals. Intel has yet to announce any TV programming partners, and Time Warner Cable and other cable TV providers have been pressuring channel owners to shun pacts with Intel and other Internet-based TV providers.

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  • Refugio posted by Refugio Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:12

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    Yet, these are not the same at all in substance. Followers of this blog know that the government no longer even partly serves the public. The business institutions that once provided decent employment for the local community and therefore a tax base as well as a very good living for the leaders of those businesses now focus mainly on shareholder gains and overboard executive compensation, with the workers and community not even a consideration. porn “This chaos reaffirms the need for a wide-ranging audit and review into the sustainability of services at Hywel Dda Health Board. I believe that there should be a full and thorough investigation by the Wales Audit Office and Health Inspectorate Wales into the safety and sustainability of services in the Hywel Dda area, similar to the one conducted earlier this year in north Wales.” xhamster Mayorkas, a former U.S. attorney in California, previously came under criticism for his involvement in the commutation by President Bill Clinton of the prison sentence of the son of a Democratic Party donor. 

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  • Michel posted by Michel Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 04:49

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    But the House Republicans about which King is speaking, the ones who help make this look like the dumbest time in America since the Civil War — call it an Un-Civil War — are at the center of what has become a perfect storm, and not just because of the way they have temporarily shut down the government over health care. xhamster "Weaker capital rules for securities and other nonbankaffiliates were a source of system instability during thecrisis," Bair said in a statement. "We hope the regulators willstrengthen and align bank holding company capital requirementswith those applicable to banks before finalizing these rules." xnxx Apple TV owners who have been patiently waiting for Apple to extend support to various apps are slowly getting what they wanted. In recent months, Apple added HBO GO, WatchESPN, Disney, and Vevo apps to Apple TV, along with other apps for different markets. Later Apple added a Time Warner TV app, the first time Apple TV has supported live TV broadcasts (though users still have to subscribe to Time Warner Cable and the Apple TV app has been seen as unintuitive and is currently rated only two stars on the iTunes app store). And it's not out of the question that Apple TV might eventually add an Amazon Instant Video app, now that Amazon has introduced AirPlay support anyway. xnxx Tesco has suffered more from a weak British economy than many rivals because it sells a higher proportion of discretionary non-food goods, like electrical items and homewares, where shoppers have been making the biggest cut backs. beeg The West African country has grown in popularity as a winter sun destination during recent years, and around 50,000 Britons now visit annually, enticed by sandy beaches and good-value accommodation.

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  • Modesto posted by Modesto Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 04:49

    When can you start? xxx Derzis knows all too well how dangerous working at an abortion clinic can be. Her first abortion clinic was bombed by Eric Rudolph -- also responsible for the 1996 Summer Olympics bombing -- 25 years ago in Birmingham, Ala. Two people were killed and a nurse was maimed. xhamster TULSA, Okla. — The name Brady that adorns a popular downtown street in Tulsa will remain the same but instead of honoring the city's founder and businessman who was in the Ku Klux Klan it will now celebrate a Civil War photographer who had the same name. beeg "We're pleased with the U.S. District Court's decision,which upholds the integrity of competitive generation markets,"Robert Grey, PPL executive vice president, general counsel andsecretary, said in a statement. sex videos
    Tampa Bay starting pitcher Alex Cobb, 11-3 during the season, masterfully mixed a big curveball with his fastball and was supported by a home run from designated hitter Delmon Young and a two-run double by center-fielder Desmond Jennings. boobs The real mission of the ad is to make the law fail. Opponents couldn't kill the bill, so now, instead of seeing how it works and how it might need to be fixed, they simply want it to fail miserably. There are foes of the law who would rather that an effort that was years – many decades, really – in the making fail in the most disruptive way than to be proven wrong. Rooting for your principles is honorable. Rooting for something – or someone – to fail is distasteful. And showing Uncle Sam in full pervert mode is the most tasteless of all.

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  • Wendell posted by Wendell Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 04:49

    I can't get through at the moment xvideos Judd held a press conference on Tuesday morning and said authorities acted fast because even though the accused girls' parents were contacted by police about Sedwick's death, the parents did not cooperate with police and the girls were still able to use their social media accounts. xnxx Nobody’s happier than “Friday the 13th” veteran Kane Hodder, who has continued hacking his way through the genre since the ’80s (lately in the “Hatchet” movies). The guy who played Jason, and made hockey masks chic for shrieks, says hard-core fans never lost their appetite for blood, but, “The big studios now realize that there’s still a big audience for these films.” beeg Last week a South Carolina family court judge finalized the Capobianco's adoption of Veronica. The judge also approved a transition plan for Veronica so that she would be gradually reintroduced to the Capobiancos. porn If the former Apple CEO does manage to successfully acquire BlackBerry, he will be tasked with leading the charge as BlackBerry tries desperately to reverse course and regain its former glory — just as Jobs once did at Apple. xvideos "There are whole groups of people who are going to claimthis would be a hardship and will not sit," said Andrew Lawler,a white-collar defense attorney and former assistant prosecutorin the office that is bringing the case against Madoff'semployees. "I think the judge will be sympathetic to anyone whosays they can't sit for five months for some legitimate reason,"he said.

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  • Tyron posted by Tyron Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 04:49

    Would you like a receipt? xnxx "Just string together consecutive good plays, string together couple good drives, just get the feel of the game," he said. "It's a little different than practice, obviously there's going to be some emotions, there's going to be a lot more adrenaline and stuff like that. So I think it's just put together a couple good drives and completions and just manage the game and do the things I need to do to move the ball up the field." beeg In his statement announcing the deal, Hagel said he warned Congress about the lapse in death benefits. "In the days after the shutdown, departmental lawyers and budget officials pursued every tool and option at our disposal in an effort to provide these benefits. Even under the Pay Our Military Act, we found that we lacked the necessary authority to make payments to the families directly," he said. Pentagon Comptroller Bob Hale also mentioned the lapse during a press briefing at the Pentagon before the government shut down. But it wasn't until troops were killed in Afghanistan that Congress and the White House acted to fix the problem. xnxx But there is DLNA compatibility if you link it via Ethernet cable to your router, and a USB port too. The overall effect is a TV that’s great as a second set, and not bad as a main one if you’re on a tight budget. porn Okay  so the Chinese need pork. Great!! Why sell them the company? Just sell them the pork products they need and let a US-owned company make a profit and keep Americans employed and American technology in the USA. Something smells with this push to sell a major American food company to the Chinese. Seems to me they could be a major buyer of an American grown and processed product. Id love to hear Larry Pope answer this question. Could it be this deal is being driven solely by stockholder greed and no other consideration? xnxx The three accused teens all declined comment after they appeared in Pinellas County courthouse on Tuesday. All were charged with aggravated battery, but Reddin was hit with an additional charge of robbery.

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  • Johnnie posted by Johnnie Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 04:49

    Looking for work beeg “We have a highly expensive system that satisfies virtually no one, doesn’t support a modern, functioning labour market and treats the vast majority of decent folk out there the same as those that haven’t saved a penny. xvideos Under the Investment Canada Act, the federal government haswide ranging powers to veto any foreign takeover of a Canadianasset or company if it deems such a deal would not bring a "netbenefit" to the country, or if it believes a deal might pose athreat to national security. beeg But the adviser said the tax overlapped with a separate taxon mineral oils and did not meet conditions such as specificallyaiming to reduce hydrocarbon consumption or ensuring that therevenues are not just lumped into Spain's regular governmentbudget. sex videos
    Age does seem to have tempered Gabriel’s technological zeal somewhat. He doesn’t use Twitter and admits that issues around the addictive nature of the internet and pornography and the potentially pernicious effect these have, particularly on teenagers, has made him install child filters on his home computers. sex videos
    Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said in astatement on the Foreign Ministry’s website that there would beno future for relations between Japan and its neighbors if Japandoesn’t stick to its commitments on historical issues. ViceForeign Minister Liu Zhenmin summoned Japan’s ambassador tolodge a formal protest.

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  • Hershel posted by Hershel Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 04:49

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    Costolo has not flinched in pruning and reshaping his management team, while Twitter, the company, has been ruthless in cutting off the smaller companies that were once a part of its orbit. A one-time comic actor who cut his teeth in business at Andersen Consulting before starting several companies, Costolo may never be as closely associated with Twitter as Mark Zuckerberg is with Facebook, yet he is arguably just as important. xxx “We want you to know you are safe to participate in all of your normal daily activities, including being outside, jogging, walking your dogs, etc.” the statement said. “We will update you with pertinent information when we can.” xhamster Castro stepped down as president following a near-fatal illness in 2006, and his successor, Raul, has said that his current term ending in 2018 will be his last, ostensibly ending nearly six decades of rule by the Castro brothers. xhamster What was most interesting was the effect social networking and pornography has had on the current generation. “If you have sex with someone for the first time, it’s always going to be a bit of a worry about whether they put it on Facebook,” confided 14-year-old Becca. Whatever happened to the padlocked diary kept under the bed? Later, both boys and girls admitted to serious worries about sexual expectations as a result of watching pornography. beeg She wrote on Twitter: “Dear creepy guy who sneaked into my hotel to take pics of me - u'r a disgrace. You broke the law by trespassing so if you do anything with those pics, the police will get the photo I took of you #TwoCanPlayThatGame.”

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