
Avvocato specializzato in Separazione Divorzio Moncalieri

Lo studio legale Toninato a Moncalieri (TO) è specializzato diritto di famiglia e in controversie familiari come separazioni consensuali e giudiziali, divorzi congiunti e contenziosi, modifica delle condizioni di separazione, problematiche inerenti alle famiglie di fatto.

Nel caso in cui una coppia di genitori decide di separarsi, o anche un solo membro lo decide unilateralmente, possono nascere dispute sulle modalità con cui i due genitori separati continueranno a occuparsi della prole. Nelle famiglie di fatto, non ratificate con atto di matrimonio, è competente il tribunale per i minorenni che regolamenta l'affido dei minori. Le famiglie ratificate con atto di matrimonio, civile e religioso concordatario, sono competenza del  tribunale ordinario per gli atti relativi alla separazione e il conseguente divorzio dei coniugi.

L’ avvocato Tuninato vi chiarirà tutti gli aspetti legali relativi al vostro caso.

AVVOCATO STEFANIA TONINATO Avvocato specializzato in separazioni e divorzi

Via Cavour, 38 - 10024 Moncalieri, TO

Tel.   011 6474514

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Read 998951 times Last modified on Giovedì, 24 Gennaio 2019 12:47


  • Fredrick posted by Fredrick Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:43

    I'm about to run out of credit xvideos Taking all of this into account, its hard to see how Nicks drop in engagement would be true for other users, whether theyre normal Facebook members or journalists using the follow option. Theres a few things that make Nick an edge case, someone who uses and experiences Facebook slightly differently than the broader membership. He was one of the privileged few who were recommended members to follow, which allowed him to gain a lot of followers early on. Most members have to scratch and claw to get noticed, a recommended user list gives you an opportunity to catapult your following in a less organic fashion. Just like on Twitter, it creates an inauthentic illusion of influence, and as much as I loathe that word and the next one I am going to use, engagement, the quality of that engagement goes down as your artificial following grows. xnxx "It seems to be pretty much the same message that wasconveyed last time around suggesting that there is progress onthe activity side, that they are going to keep rates low for anextended period, hinting at possible LTROs (long-termrefinancing operations)... but nothing in the offing just yet,as we suspected, because clearly activity has picked up," PhilipTyson, strategist at ICAP said. boobs According to the TD Ameritrade survey, many young people share those sentiments. One in three survey respondents said they worry about affording college tuition at all, while most also believe college education is crucial to future success. boobs Simon Cowell is an aggrogant jerk. Andrew Silverman should wipe that stupid smirk off his face. Simon deserves a slap to the side of the head, a punch in the nose and a kick in the ass for knocken up his good friend's wife. What a piece of sh*t. he truly is. At 53 yrs. old he should know better than to have sloppy sex with a married woman. Maybe Simon will finally neuter himself after this fiasco. xxx On Friday, Merck said it needed time to implement what itcalled an "audit" of how Zilmax was being used in the field. Thegiant drug company said the suspension was temporary, andoffered no explanation of why it was being imposed only in theUnited States and Canada, marketplaces that account for sales of$159 million. Merck does not disclose global sales of Zilmax.

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  • Quinton posted by Quinton Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:43

    Can you hear me OK? xnxx Cameron promised Obama that British forces would take part in punitive military strikes if serious proof that Assad and his lieutenants had been behind the chemical attack was obtained. The British prime minister recalled parliament, which was on its annual summer break, for a one-day debate to vote on taking military action against Syria "in principle". xvideos Attorney General Eric Holder gave a much-publicized speech recently calling for policy changes at the federal level to allow prosecutors to sidestep mandatory minimum laws – "executive actions" that don't require congressional approval. What he should have done was endorse legislation giving federal judges broad discretion in applying mandatory minimums. That bill, the Justice Safety Valve Act of 2013, is being sponsored in the Senate by Democrats Pat Leahy and Dick Durbin and, more interestingly, by Republicans Rand Paul and Mike Lee. Rand Paul is a libertarian and fiscal conservative; Mike Lee is a tea party favorite, a constitutional lawyer and the son of former Reagan Solicitor General Rex Lee. The House version is sponsored by Democrat Bobby Scott and Republican Thomas Massie, a fiscal conservative. Just as with Right on Crime, conservatives of all stripes have endorsed the idea. boobs Oden is the second No. 1 pick on the Heat roster, joining LeBron James, the top overall draft selection in 2003 — and someone who developed quite an affinity for Oden’s game when the center was at Ohio State. boobs "Colorado is purportedly a very healthy state and knowing people who live there, I understand why. They are always out there climbing mountains," said Jim O'Connor, a principal at actuary firm Milliman in Chicago. porn Occupants of cars which were hit by the bus stood on the highway near their vehicles. One car's rear was completely crumpled, while another was smashed on its side. It was not immediately known if anyone in those cars had been injured.

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  • Maximo posted by Maximo Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:43

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    Two thirds of children officially deemed as being poor now came from a family where at least one parent was working - and in three out of four of those cases, at least one of their parents was working full time, he pointed out. beeg Democrats are attempting to use the negotiations to raise spending above the levels authorized by the "sequester" -stringent across the board budget cuts that took effect in March, with more reductions set for January. porn But Bloomberg stood his ground. "People also have a right to walk down the street without being killed or mugged," he said at a news conference, repeating his conviction that the program resulted in a drastic reduction in crime that made New York the "poster child" for safe U.S. cities. porn Authorities said 29-year-old Shelly Lynn Chartier, of Easterville, Manitoba, posed as Andersen to communicate with underage girls and also pretended to be other people to talk to the tattoo-covered basketball player.

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  • Herman posted by Herman Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:37

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    Time was running short for lawmakers to avert a partialshutdown of operations by the U.S. government on Oct. 1.Republicans in the House want to use the spending legislation togut the new healthcare overhaul, a goal of the conservative TeaParty. boobs So when it gets around lately that Rex has a better won-lost record than Coughlin over the past four years, and just as many playoff victories, Rex still gets trumped — big — by Coughlin’s Super Bowls. Coughlin has Giants-Patriots II in the same time period, had Giants-Patriots I right before that. Rex has two AFC Championship Games, both of which the Jets ended up losing. porn * Chinese computer maker Lenovo, which has signed anon-disclosure deal to examine BlackBerry's books, facesregulatory obstacles if it bids for all of the company and willlikely pursue just parts, a source familiar with the matter saidon Thursday. xxx More and more there is a movement, said Witeck. With the Russia issue, its emerging that a lot of Olympic quality competitors are coming out, changing the idea of their identity. And allies want to tell the world they are allies. beeg He can provide the internet-centric, consumer-focused technology that Microsoft is pants at. Ballmer put him in charge of corporate strategy and relations with developers and PC makers. Bates' weakness is that he has not been at Microsoft long enough to know how to deal with the odd flaming missile that comes his way and lacks software experience.

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  • Gobiz posted by Gobiz Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:37

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    The one thing I realised on Sunday is that it is a lot easier being out in the middle. I found commentating on a close finish much more nerve-racking than playing. I asked Mark Nicholas if this is what it felt like in 2005. He said it was worse. How did we cope? It is amazing that players produce their skills under such pressure. But they are so focused. They do not hear the crowd. They concentrate on each ball as a moment in time. xnxx The world's biggest gas exporter plans to spend around 17 billion euros to pump 63 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas a year through the 2,500 km-long South Stream pipeline by 2016/2017, crossing the Black Sea into Bulgaria and further into Europe. porn UBS had only recently started to win back the trust of its wealthy private banking clients after risky bets on subprime mortgages came close to felling it in the financial crisis of 2008, as this graphic shows: porn Labour leader Ed Miliband said last week he wanted to end the automatic fees following a row over alleged attempts by the Unite union to influence the choice of Labour’s candidate in the Scottish seat of Falkirk.

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  • Brent posted by Brent Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:37

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    The compromise proposed on Friday effectively allows theagencies again to choose to undercut the hotel group, but onlyfor certain types of customers - those on loyalty schemes or whohave made at least one previous booking with the agent. porn Temper tantrums can do real damage between you and your loved ones, damage that can be irreversible.  And, apart from hurting those you love, you are also letting the toxins of anger build up in your body and are hurting yourself. It is not healthy to hold a grudge. If you have things in your life you feel angry about, let it go, and get on with living a healthy and loving existence.  As difficult as it may be to see the good in a situation that you feel adverse about, if you look hard enough, you can generally find a silver lining.  The first step to anger recovery is to recognize that you have an anger problem, and then to be proactive about getting help. boobs “The private school community gets information that public school community does not,” she told  â€œFour different newsletters were sent to the private school community about budget, and the public school parents got nothing.” sex videos
    When they were winning those games and Puig arrived and the crowd was just going bananas it was so thrilling, even for someone whos seen all the games Id seen before, Scully said. So I think the success of the team has something to do with it. xhamster Democratic lawmakers have embraced background screening for those looking to buy a gun, but balk at using the tool as a method for hiring, even though the premise of both arguments is the same – judging a population on their past as an indicator for future actions.

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  • Cristobal posted by Cristobal Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:37

    I'd like a phonecard, please boobs This Friday, EA Sports will release their flagship title FIFA 14, ending months of anticipation and excitement amongst a sizeable proportion of the gaming community. Today however, fans have been given the chance to end the wait for a new FIFA a little prematurely – not due to an early release of the console version, but by being able to download a FIFA 14 app for iOS and Android for free. xhamster This much is clear: If Kidd is going to do something special as coach of the Nets, he will have to go directly through or over James, and the superiority complex that comes with the Heat forward. The preseason game was a nice start, an 86-62 victory for the Nets built on a hearty defense that held the Heat to 32% shooting. Still, James has good reason to feel better than everyone else. He happens to be better. His disregard for the Nets over the years has bordered on arrogance, and at times has been downright provocative. xhamster Teams of researchers found that everything in these new models is vulnerable to hackers from the lights, instrument panels, steering and brakes to the engine itself. Its conclusion is that newer model vehicles are too fragile and that security should be a top issue for car makers light of this new information. xvideos Zahau's hands were bound behind her back and her feet were bound, but her hands and feet did not appear ever to have been bound together, police said. Though Adam Shacknai said she was hanging from a rope, investigators did not disclose what kind of material bound her hands and feet. xhamster But while volatility is on the rise  surely partly a result of thinned trading volumes during the peak summer vacation season  the consensus around when the Fed will start cutting back hasnt budged.

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  • Taylor posted by Taylor Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:37

    I live in London xnxx “This seems like a development wolf in a sheep’s storm boots,” said Phillip Musegaas, the Hudson River Director at Riverkeeper, the self-styled stewards of the tidal estuary with the river name. “The mayor likes big development projects, and he just sees this as another opportunity to burnish his legacy.” xnxx The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuitruling reinstates the government's civil claim against KBR inconnection with employees' alleged violations of theAnti-Kickback Act, a law that bars government contractors andsubcontractors from using bribes to influence awards. xxx "First it could help them experience what it means to see in 3D. Second, it could encourage them to seek therapy to try to regain two-eye 3D vision (which produces the strongest 3D effect in everyday life) once they can see first-hand what 'seeing in 3D' is really like." porn * The Senate stepped back from the edge of a partisan clashover nominations as Republicans agreed to quick considerationand Democrats stood down from a threat to limit the minorityparty's use of filibusters. () beeg The company says it is doing its best with the clean-up atthe plant, 200 km (125 miles) northeast of Tokyo, adding so muchis unknown because workers cannot get to every corner of thefacility because of high radiation.

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  • Jeromy posted by Jeromy Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:37

    Could I have an application form? xhamster Republican critics of the health care law have seized on the union complaints to fuel their push to repeal the law. At the same time, GOP leaders have warned the White House against carving out any special deal for unions. beeg Soon after the attack, the Al-Nour party, an ultraconservative Islamist party that had been talking to the new government about participating in the political process, announced it was withdrawing its support for the transition plan in response to the "massacre." porn Even as the president spoke at the Rose Garden, more problems were coming to light. The administration acknowledged that a planned upgrade to the website had been postponed indefinitely and that online Spanish-language signups would remain unavailable, despite a promise to Hispanic groups that the capability would start this week. And the government tweaked the website's home page so visitors can now view phone numbers to apply the old-fashioned way or window-shop for insurance rates without registering first. xhamster The North Dakota Health Department said that while companies must notify the state of any spills, the state doesn't have to release that information to the public. That's not unusual in major oil-producing states. porn Jim Carrey, who plays Colonel Stars and Stripes, departedfrom Hollywood convention in June and criticized the film onTwitter. He said because of the December shooting at the SandyHook Elementary School that left 26 people dead in Newtown,Connecticut, he could not "support that level of violence" inthe movie.

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  • Hiram posted by Hiram Mercoledì, 06 Novembre 2019 06:37

    Which year are you in? boobs In my view, Ed Snowden is a fugitive who deserve to be in an American courtroom, not in asylum in Russia, Menendez said on This Week Sunday. I dont think he needed to undermine Americas national security to pursue whatever he thought his conscience led him to do. porn Castellano was also a big fan of DeGeneres. When the talk show host asked her how she stays so positive, the pre-teen referenced a character DeGeneres voiced in the 2003 animated Disney flick "Finding Nemo": "A little fishy told me, 'Just keep swimming.'" boobs Julian Proctor Van Winkle, the chief of the company, explains his caution against going all in: They legalize marijuana, and nobody is drinking bourbon anymore. I dont want to get caught with a bunch of whiskey. porn Increasing the risk of heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases, pregnancy complications - the dangers of smoking are already well established. However, now scientists have discovered that smoking may also affect sleep. beeg Dice-K was brought in during the offseason by the Indians to compete for a rotation spot in Spring Training, but he failed to earn a spot after a competition with former Rays and Angels hurler Scott Kazmir. As a result, he was released by the club, but later signed a minor-league deal with Cleveland in order to maintain his MLB relevancy.

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