
Avvocato specializzato in Separazione Divorzio Moncalieri

Lo studio legale Toninato a Moncalieri (TO) è specializzato diritto di famiglia e in controversie familiari come separazioni consensuali e giudiziali, divorzi congiunti e contenziosi, modifica delle condizioni di separazione, problematiche inerenti alle famiglie di fatto.

Nel caso in cui una coppia di genitori decide di separarsi, o anche un solo membro lo decide unilateralmente, possono nascere dispute sulle modalità con cui i due genitori separati continueranno a occuparsi della prole. Nelle famiglie di fatto, non ratificate con atto di matrimonio, è competente il tribunale per i minorenni che regolamenta l'affido dei minori. Le famiglie ratificate con atto di matrimonio, civile e religioso concordatario, sono competenza del  tribunale ordinario per gli atti relativi alla separazione e il conseguente divorzio dei coniugi.

L’ avvocato Tuninato vi chiarirà tutti gli aspetti legali relativi al vostro caso.

AVVOCATO STEFANIA TONINATO Avvocato specializzato in separazioni e divorzi

Via Cavour, 38 - 10024 Moncalieri, TO

Tel.   011 6474514

 Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Read 997892 times Last modified on Giovedì, 24 Gennaio 2019 12:47


  • Miquel posted by Miquel Venerdì, 18 Ottobre 2019 06:14

    I'm on a course at the moment logan hyperdome physio That hasn’t stopped sprinters or cyclists from cheating (see Tyson Gay and Lance Armstrong) and it’s doubtful such a program would completely halt drug use in baseball. Desperate people do desperately stupid things. It doesn’t help that PEDs have so obviously reinvented or extended careers of players like Bartolo Colon and Melky Cabrera. "We think this seriously underestimates the extent of uncollected tax – our research shows our public finances miss out on more than £120bn a year," he said. "But even by the government's estimate, these are huge sums that we are owed and should be collected and it makes no sense to cut staff and resources at the department responsible for doing that." This can be taken a lot of different ways. Other articles claim that their public supposedly demanded an inquiry. Did the public demand an inquiry because they were annoyed by the US intervening, or did they demand it because they were angry that he had been living among them all that time? I would hope that its the latter, but I have strong doubts. bimatoprost eyelashes
    Federal law bans the sale of alcohol on Native American reservations unless the tribal council allows it. Pine Ridge legalized alcohol for two months in 1970s, but the ban was quickly restored. An attempt to lift prohibition in 2004 also failed.
    Three complainants, including a GP, challenged whether the centre's 100% safety claim could be substantiated, while two said the advert was irresponsible and could cause fear and distress because it appeared during the measles outbreak in south Wales.

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  • Landon posted by Landon Venerdì, 18 Ottobre 2019 06:14

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  • Brent posted by Brent Venerdì, 18 Ottobre 2019 05:19

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  • Kermit posted by Kermit Venerdì, 18 Ottobre 2019 05:19

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    As usually happens in a recovery, the modest improvement in the labor market has lagged behind the region's emergence from recession by a few months. The economy grew in the second quarter by a modest quarterly rate of 0.3% after contracting for six straight quarters, its longest recession since the euro currency was launched in 1999. differin gel 0.3 price "The reality is, we know more than enough to prevent 75% of heart disease and strokes, but we're not doing everything we could be doing or even doing it at a reasonable level. We've made some gradual improvements over the years, but there is still a lot of progress to be made," commented lead scientist, Dr Brent Egan, of the Medical University of South Carolina.
    "Fujinaga deceived and exploited his Japanese investors intobelieving that they were buying safe investments with a steadyreturn," George Canellos, co-director of the SEC enforcementdivision, said in a statement on Thursday. "Instead, Fujinagaoperated a Ponzi scheme on an enormous scale that financed hisown extravagant lifestyle." "I have two portraits hanging: one of (Thomas) Jefferson, one of (John) Adams. Both vice presidents who became presidents," Biden told GQ last month, noting the former presidents' self-satisfied expressions. "I joke to myself, I wonder what their portraits looked like when they were vice presidents." But then again, the Japanese tend to go to hospital for minor ailments just as we would visit our GP in England. Perhaps this was just another of those cultural quirks that had been enriching my life in Japan for the previous three years. Soon afterwards, however, I was in an ambulance. Although my Japanese is not fluent I could understand them calling ahead to find an emergency bed for the foreigner with the funny face. Then it all got very fuzzy.

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